The Kickoff conference of the Project, Breaking Digital Barriers; Digital Literacy for Elderly, Ageing Together, was held in the conference hall of the Grand Ozeren Hotel in Burdur February 22 2019.
The Governer of Burdur Province, Mr Hasan ŞILDAK participated to the conference and honoured us, his wife Fatma Nur ŞILDAK as well. In the conference hall were the members of our association(BUHAYAD) , the staff of Burdur Public Education Center, partners from CIDET Spain, CPIA 1 Italy and PhoenixKM Belgium, managers of governmental departments in Burdur, old citizens in Burdur, inhabiters in seniors center, family members of martyries and representatives of Civil Society Organizations in Burdur as well.
The Project will be carried out by the partners; Burdur Public Education Center, CIDET, CPIA 1 and PHOENIXKM under the coordination of BUHAYAD, which is applicant and coordinator for two years. The aim of the Project is to gain adults over 60 years old the skill of using computer and surfing in Internet at basic level and to keep them in social life, and to ensure them to communicate with their families and friends, and to gain them the ability of get an appointment of health service and banking and shopping and reading the sources of news and weather forecast and etc., by means of Internet. Thus it is aim to contribute to their active ageing, ensuring them to realize their intellectual capacity and participating into social life according to their own needs, desire and capacity.

The governor of Burdur, Hasan ŞILDAK, said that this Project is worth to appreciation, firstly congrugulations to BUHAYAD and the Project should, being an example and unique be regarded highly and it has special importance because of the target group, our elderly people, whom we, as the state, hold in high esteem. He wished that this Project will be a source of inspiration to the other organizations from all sectors and will promote enthusiasm of developing projects and provide support to the efforts respectively.

The chief of BUHAYAD, Mr. İlhan KAYIŞ, he said that he hoped it will encourage other CSOs in the city developin projects. He emphasized that we have young population now, but the young people will become older soon, our population will become older very soon.It is challenging. That is why we have to do something from now on and get ready for the future.

The chief of Public Education Center, Mr. Ömer AKAN, said that in addition to the work will carried out by the Project team for achieving to the aim of the Project the trainnings will be held in Belgium and Italy and 4 teacher from IT Branch will participate these trainnings to educate elderly people over 60.

The partners, Mr. Roger Esteller Curto from Spain and Mrs. Antonietta Panarello gave a speech to the audience. They emhasized the importance of the Project and explained why they became a partner to the Project. We thank to all our partners from Eurepean Countries and highly appreciated for their profiecency, contribution and especially their warm and friendly behaviour.

After the opennig speeches, Mrs Meryem ZİNCİRLİ of BUHAYAD, made a brief presentation about the Project.