Dementia Rights Project Kicked off

The first meeting of the Erasmuz + Project called Dementhia Rights, which was developed on a rights-based basis to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and social inclusion of people living with dementia, was held online on 25 and 26 February 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The project named Dementia Rights (Dementia Patient Rights) is carried out under the coordination of INSTITUTO S. JOÃO DE DEUS located in Portugal within the scope of the European Union Erasmus + Adult Education Strategic Partnership Program. Our association is among the project partners.

Dementia, the common name for progressive brain syndromes, affects 50 million people worldwide. Characteristics are the leading cause of disability and addiction among the elderly. The number of patients with dementia is expected to increase rapidly in the coming years.

The DEMENTIA RIGHT project aims to empower dementia patients, their supporters and the society as a whole by developing a new rights-based approach and ICT-based innovative learning materials for people with dementia, and to ensure that Patient Rights are recognized and respected.

The coordinator of the project that he is a partner in our association is Alzheimer Portugal ( Other partners of the project are;

Within the scope of the project, for patients with dementia, their relatives, ministers and professionals or volunteers working in this field;

  • a Charter of Rights
  • Rights-based approach guide
  • Digital platform including the E-Learning Module
  • Informative Video
  • Special Rights Booklets

will be developed.